Tentative Agreements

American Airlines wage scale

Please take the time to review the full tentative agreement, as well as the supplemental materials below, prior to voting.

A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the tentative agreement is available to view here: CWA.org/AATAOverview

A recording of the Dec. 12 Zoom call with the bargaining committee is available to view here.

Note: Articles 2, 11, 31, 33, and 35 are not missing, but unchanged from the current contract.

Wage Rates

2024 Wage Rates under the American Airlines Passenger Service Tentative Agreement with the CWA-IBT Association

Please enter your job title and years of service to see the new wage rates you will be paid in 2024 under the tentative agreement reached between the CWA-IBT Association and American Airlines covering passenger service members.

Note: Depending on your state's living wage law, you will be covered by the law until your contract rate is greater than the minimum wage rate.

1. Select Your Job Title:
2. Your Years of Service at Contract Signing:
3. Click submit: Submit

How do I know how many years of completed service I have?

If you have not yet worked for the company for 12 months then you do not have 1 year of completed service, and you should choose "Less than 1" to find your wage estimate.

If you have worked for the company for more than 12 months but less than 24 months, then you have 1 year of service and you should choose "1" to find your wage estimate. For example, if you started with the company on June 1, 2017, then you've worked 20 months and you have 1 year of service.

If you've worked for more than 24 months, but less than 36 months, then you have 2 years of service and you should choose "2" to find your wage estimate. For example, if you started with the company on September 15, 2019, then you've worked 28 months as of January 14, 2023, and therefore have 2 years of completed service.