The iostream library is fairly complex -- so we will not be able to cover it in its entirety in these tutorials. However, we will show you the most commonly used functionality. In this section, we will look at various aspects of the input class (istream).
The extraction operator
As seen in many lessons now, we can use the extraction operator (>>) to read information from an input stream. C++ has predefined extraction operations for all of the built-in data types, and you’ve already seen how you can overload the extraction operator for your own classes.
When reading strings, one common problem with the extraction operator is how to keep the input from overflowing your buffer. Given the following example:
char buf[10]<>; std::cin >> buf;
what happens if the user enters 18 characters? The buffer overflows, and bad stuff happens. Generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to make any assumption about how many characters your user will enter.
#include char buf[10]<>; std::cin >> std::setw(10) >> buf;
This program will now only read the first 9 characters out of the stream (leaving room for a terminator). Any remaining characters will be left in the stream until the next extraction.
Extraction and whitespace
As a reminder, the extraction operator skips whitespace (blanks, tabs, and newlines).
Take a look at the following program:
int main() < char ch<>; while (std::cin >> ch) std::cout
When the user inputs the following:
Hello my name is Alex
The extraction operator skips the spaces and the newline. Consequently, the output is:
Oftentimes, you’ll want to get user input but not discard whitespace. To do this, the istream class provides many functions that can be used for this purpose.
One of the most useful is the get() function, which simply gets a character from the input stream. Here’s the same program as above using get():
int main() < char ch<>; while (std::cin.get(ch)) std::cout
Now when we use the input:
Hello my name is Alex
Hello my name is Alex
std::get() also has a string version that takes a maximum number of characters to read:
int main() < char strBuf[11]<>; std::cin.get(strBuf, 11); std::cout
Hello my name is Alex
Hello my n
Note that we only read the first 10 characters (we had to leave one character for a terminator). The remaining characters were left in the input stream.
One important thing to note about get() is that it does not read in a newline character! This can cause some unexpected results:
int main() < char strBuf[11]<>; // Read up to 10 characters std::cin.get(strBuf, 11); std::coutIf the user enters:
Hello!The program will print:
Hello!and then terminate! Why didn’t it ask for 10 more characters? The answer is because the first get() read up to the newline and then stopped. The second get() saw there was still input in the cin stream and tried to read it. But the first character was the newline, so it stopped immediately.
Consequently, there is another function called getline() that works similarly to get(), but will extract (and discard) the delimiter.
int main() < char strBuf[11]<>; // Read up to 10 characters std::cin.getline(strBuf, 11); std::coutThis code will perform as you expect, even if the user enters a string with a newline in it.
If you need to know how many character were extracted by the last call of getline(), use gcount():
int main() < char strBuf[100]<>; std::cin.getline(strBuf, 100); std::coutgcount() includes any extracted and discarded delimiters.
A special version of getline() for std::string
There is a special version of getline() that lives outside the istream class that is used for reading in variables of type std::string. This special version is not a member of either ostream or istream, and is included in the string header. Here is an example of its use:
#include #include int main() < std::string strBuf<>; std::getline(std::cin, strBuf); std::coutA few more useful istream functions
There are a few more useful input functions that you might want to make use of:
ignore() discards the first character in the stream.
ignore(int nCount) discards the first nCount characters.
peek() allows you to read a character from the stream without removing it from the stream.
unget() returns the last character read back into the stream so it can be read again by the next call.
putback(char ch) allows you to put a character of your choice back into the stream to be read by the next call.![]()