Hospitals must develop by January 1, 2014 a presumptive eligibility policy outlining the criteria it will use to determine if eligibility for hospital financial assistance without further scrutiny by the hospital. Several categories of criteria are mandatory but a hospital may consider other categories, depending on the facility’s location.
Mandatory categories are intended to reflect the new free care mandate included in the 2012 amendment to the Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act legislation for uninsured patients at up to 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) at urban hospitals and up to 125% FPL at rural and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs).
The Illinois Office of Attorney General (OAG) has indicated that a hospital could have a separate presumptive eligibility section within its financial assistance policy that would meet the requirement for a presumptive eligibility policy.
The presumptive eligibility policy shall be applied to an uninsured patient as soon as possible after the patient receives hospital services and prior to issuing any bill for those hospital services. A presumptive eligibility policy is defined as the criteria used to deem a patient eligible for financial assistance. The criteria are defined as the categories identified as demonstrating financial need.
All Hospitals: Mandated Categories
Urban Hospitals: Additional Mandated Categories
Enrollment in the following programs with criteria at or below 200% FPL:
All Hospitals: Optional Additional Criteria
CAH and Rural Hospitals: Optional Additional Criteria
Hospitals must submit a report to the OAG annually regarding compliance with this rule either when submitting the Community Benefits Report (if subject to that requirement) or when submitting its Medicare Cost Report Worksheet C pursuant to that requirement under the Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act.
OAG submitted a report form to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules with the final rule. The report shall include:
Hospitals are allowed to use electronic and information technology in both the financial assistance application form process and presumptive eligibility requirements. If a hospital does so, the annual report shall also include a description of the type and source used. The hospital shall also certify that the electronic system includes the requirements for the application and presumptive eligibility in the rule.
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